5 FROM 8 MADE A LOVELY JUMP YESTERDAY. Amelias plan had an awful day even though one of the chances tan 3rd at $101. Saturdays wasn’t much better but at last it found some remarkably good winners that could have made Winforrn Powerplay a delight. It included Komach at $26 and Bryce at $14.40
Warwick Race 2 is interesting today. 2 Super Zamboni is $2.90 and our 2nd pick is 5 Rana Lady which is an out and out sprinter. Its only 800 m but the no 2 will finish on and that is the big danger even though Ran Lady gets a 2kg allowance. Ill have to watch it on replay as Ros and I have medical appointments at race time. Nothing urgent but necessary.
Anyhow, I am unavailable now til Wednesday so our Winform/GTX users will have access to get updated on the systems etc.