3:52 Eagle Farm Race 8 1400m 3YO+ Gp1 HCP na Cval 9.8 $3000000
No Form Horse BP Hcap WF Wodds AS Jockey
11 123-3X89 Holyfield 17 53.5 1 2.7 5G DThornton CURRENTLY $201 WIN $34 PLACE iTS LOGICAL TO ADD tHINK aBOUT iT TO THE EXOTICS.
6 16460X01 Surf Dancer 5 54.5 2 6.8 6G RMaloney
7 X12470X0 Gentleman Roy 1 54.5 3 16.8 6G CraigWilliam Craig says he can win it.
10 10X62113 Cardinal Gem 4 54.0 4 21.0 4G JChilds
12 154-1-4- Aft Cabin 15 53.0 5 23.4 3C KMcEvoy
18 X2x2-1-1 Hawaii Five Oh 2 49.5 6 24.1 3C RKing
Yesterday I bet with real money on the eligible race meetings according to the recent email and also outlaying an average of $35 per race on Tamworth Gatton and Carnavon. Profit for the day exceeded $300. What more can I say. 7 wins from 22 races is a good race strike rate at those prices.
Betsmart has them in this order 9,18,14 and 12
A reminder that vicbet.com has a deal for Winform associated accounts of Double the Bet Boost for this race and race 7 giving you up to an extra $100 boost if you win. First horse at fixed price only and must notify by live chat before the race…not last minute obviously.