Flemington 1,2,3,8/1,9,11,12,15/22,6,7,16/8,12,13 Cost $24 for 10%
Well the winner and 3rd place in the Magic Millions. Turned out the tongue tie on the winner may have been the key and the favoutite Memo remains a maiden after 4runs but the prizemoney is working for them.
The GTX users would have had 1 win and 1 2nd yesterday from the two new plans and the Winform top rated specials had a magic day yesterday with 57% level stakes profit.
Those who follow Alice Springs nee to get their skates on as the races start there at 12:04 so punters can get home before the youth riots start.
Seems like winter here the past 2 or 3 days. And losts more trees down.