It started out a rotten day for the New Plan and fair dinkum, give me a kick up the bum if I ever bet at Broome or Robourne and probabaly Port Hedland etc again. After the start of yesterdays near disaster I went through the data base all the way back to January 2012 and these tracks returned a strike rate of a mere 10% win 30% place with yesterday favourite after favourite going down, many nearer last than first. You’d swear it was organised.
Anyhow I got down to the last bet of my current series with only one or two wins in the whole thing on the way and a few places to hold it all together. After looking at my winform selection at Toowoomba Race 1the first thing I noticed was a move from $20 in the morning to $9 by midday. It stayed that way most of the day so I suppose those “in the know” had got their cash on early.
When betting opened on course it simply drifted which indicates two things, the knowledge was satisfied and the new market lookers backed off. The end result $21.65 and an amazing $8.60 the place.
Looking at the barrier trials ( included in the Winform GTX program) River Rogue was well beaten and I do mean beaten, finishing well back whereas in his first prep he was much closer.
The end result for me was that our plan hit a new high of $5890 so almost 6 spare series banks ready for the occasional loss without worry.
Back when I started WinformPowerbet I had a Bank of $50,000 which meant 10 series of $5000 each so I would be up to $58,900 by now in just over 7 weeks.
Instead I had 5 series of $1,000 each and didnt lose even one so far. We’ve probably had 50 or more series in a row, end up in profit.
The old memories come back of how we hated to lose a series and the first of the new series was a long priced winner but how we loved the last bet (and obviously the biggest one) when it was a big winner like yesterday.