It was never going to be a massive First 4 or Trifecta as there were only 10 runners. The first 4 was still worth having the Trifecta not. Overpass assured a fast pace with the first 600 no doubt faster then the last 600 and a 1.7.+ 1200metres. Lightning fast. We have to deckare The Everest as a Group 1. No doubt.
Private Eye should already be in our Blackbook and we should add In Secret. Both could be much better at a longer distance.
I was disappointed that Veight could only run 2nd but his time will come. Blackbook that one too.
I had a clear profit yesterday just with the Betsmart and Winform top two dutched. At one stage it was 1 from just 7 but there were a few bnuses back and running the Money Factory I ended up with a 50% race strike rate and at that stage quit, besides it was chorizo cheese and vino time. My First 4 and Trifecta were paid for with bnuses and I still have some left.
Im so pleased that the referendum result confirmed that we are one peoeple united to help all remote peoples white and black to better services across the board. You think its just the indigenous? Think again. Recent stats show that country and remote australians have less health facilities, lower life expectancies and employment opportunities and worse phone and internet access…why???
This government has a lot to answer for being completely unfocused.
Anyhow, go ahead, have a punt today if thats what floats your boat. I’m committed to following up medicare failing to send refunds for my radiotherapy and now I absolutely need to talk to someone…good luck to me. Luckily there isnt a time limit.