Firstly, Best Bets or Zippers 5 wins from 12
Hot Rated on pace (speed) 4/18
Maiden Winform 7 /9
Early Races 5/10
Overall 43% winners and a nice profit.
Winform GTX users have the Zippers or Best Bets already
The other three plans have been in our recent Enews and also on these pages for Winform/GTX users to add to their system selector module.
I didnt enjoy yesterday when our good winner Just Like Liam had a big deduction applied (originally backed it at $6.50) and ended up $3.20 after a late scractching.
I dont expect much today Wyong 3,3 is a best bt or Zipper but plenty of rain expected.
Sandown race 3 2 is in a small field and short priced bu track is good.
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